Friday, December 21, 2012

Dear Melynda,

The point of this post: Once a week, I'll be dedicating a post to my friend and fellow blogger Melynda, who writes over at Despite All Logic. Go check her out - she's hilarious and pretty awesome.

Dear Melynda,

So I'm up at Angelica's this morning, minding my own business (aka passed out on the couch) when suddenly, I find myself under attack.

A wild Raia appeared out of nowhere, apparently deciding that it was time for me to wake up. Now, Raia has a very... let's say special way of waking people up. It involves jumping on you, walking up and down for awhile, and randomly assaulting you. Don't believe me? I have proof.

Raia, why are you trying to eat my hand?

Oh, good! She's laying down. I'll finally have some peace.

Spoke too soon. Hey, Raia, please stop trying to eat me. Please?

Are you comfy down there, Raia? Well, that's great. Please stop stepping on me, it hurts.

So that was my morning. Lovely, yes? Seriously, you should spend the night on Angelica's couch some time to become acquainted with Raia's morning ritual of harassment. No, really. You totally should.

I'll leave you with this:

Me. (and Raia.)

1 comment:

  1. Raia looks so adorable! I especially love the last picture of her. Sorry you she woke you up, but it is super cute!
