Saturday, January 5, 2013

Musicals. Musicals everywhere!

One of my aspirations has always been to audition for a play or a musical. I’ve never acted before, though I’ve always been interested. I came close to being in the Wizard of Oz in high school but couldn’t afford the fee required.

Anyways, the Blonde is auditioning for Grease this March, and has asked me to audition with her. I agreed, and I am terrified and also really excited. The theater that is putting on the play is the largest in our area, and the cast is fairly small, but hey, I think I’d make an awesome Jan.

That’s right, I said Jan. I love me some Jan. Remember her?

I think her character is underappreciated and hilarious and hey, she loves food and I love food so it seems fitting.

In order to get ready for the audition, I need to work on getting into better shape. I’m not going to lie - I could stand to lose a few pounds. Okay, more than a few. Anyways, I’m going to start working toward being more active and more conscientious of what I’m eating, drink more water, all that good stuff. I have to be able to dance, and sing, and dance and sing at the same time… Will be interesting!

In other news, I think it can officially be said that Angelica and I are completely and totally obsessed with Les Miserables. We’ve each seen either the 10th or the 25th anniversary concerts multiple times in the past week (I lost count), which are amazing, just FYI. We’ve acquired the soundtracks. Yes, soundtracks. It’s plural on purpose. She hadn’t seen the movie yet, so I took her yesterday and we had a Les Mis lady date. Seriously, addicted.

Hope this post finds you well!